Worthing Conservation Volunteers
Worthing Conservation Volunteers was started in 1985 under the umbrella of the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, now The Conservation Volunteers. With the B.T.C.V. we learnt about coppicing, how to fell small trees, lay a hedge, plant trees, and the importance of managing the countryside. This is increasing our knowledge of wildlife and how flora and fauna interact, thereby also making sites attractive to people as well as wildlife. In addition, the constructive exercise involved improves the health of minds and bodies; as with all exercise no-one is expected to be super human, or to carry on longer than is comfortable; but there are usually tasks available for those who enjoy vigorous exercise!
We work in 3 Worthing sites and join with other groups, so have a varied programme. They are:
THE ALLOTMENT, West Tarring, Ringmer Rd end. Here, with the Millennium Tree Group we grow local, native trees from seed, which are eventually planted out locally.
THE SANCTUARY, Honeysuckle Lane, High Salvington (BN13) where we have created a glade in the wood and have successfully increased the variety of plants and ferns by keeping brambles and nettles under control.
NORTHBROOK POND, Romany Rd, Durrington (BN13) where we clear bindweed from smothering the two old gorse bushes, holly, and willow; and manage the brambles growing at the edge of the pond.
CISSBURY RING, Findon, with the National Trust where we help clear invasive species such as bramble, in order to enable the chalk downland plants to survive.
HESWORTH COMMON, Fittleworth, where we help maintain the well-heathered sandy heath by clearing bracken, bramble and birch seedlings.
WHITEBEAM WOOD, Whitebeam Rd, Durrington with the Friends of Whitebeam Wood to coppice the ancient hazel stools.
LANCING RING, Mill Rd, Lancing, invasive species here are clematis and bramble which we help to control.
We meet every 3weeks on a Sun at the site at 10am, with refreshments including lunch, if you want to stay till about 3.30pm. Transport is shared. Guidance and training will be given when appropriate and it's usually best to wear old clothing, strong shoes, and gardening gloves.
See our latest reports and programme on Facebook: Worthing Conservation Volunteers
Allotment events: every 2nd and 4th Wed monthly robfish3@yahoo.co.uk
It's important to check venue and for weather cancellations.