BN43 5RG
Shoreham Beach Local Nature Reserve

The Shoreham Beach Local Nature Reserve extends along Shoreham beach from the land at Shoreham Fort to the Church of the Good Shepherd. It is approximately 100 m wide from north to south in most places and is around 25 times longer in length at 2.5 km total area 26.2 hectares. About half or slightly less is vegetated shingle which is an internationally rare habitat as most shingle moves and prevents growth of vegetation. It used to be the only UK site of the Starry clover plant but it is now growing on Lancing Beach and in Hampshire.
The Friends of Shoreham Beach Local Nature Reserve (LNR) work to protect the LNR, and educate and help people enjoy it. So they run Beach Cleans, an annual Flower Walk, Rock Pooling when conditions suitable, Bird Walks, Lectures, Stands at outside events and other educational events. A marine biologist runs educational events for schools on the LNR.
The LNR is owned by Adur District Council and the Friends manage the LNR with advice from specialists and the Adur-Worthing District Council parks department.
The Friends organise specialist surveys. In 2018 Graeme Lyons did the first extensive survey of the LNR invertebrates and in all he has found 249 species and over 10% of these have conservation interest. As some insects will only use one plant the maintaining of the habitat is important to for the continued support of this diverse population of insects.
Events notified by email to members and others requesting information about events.
Beach Cleans:
Schools educational visits: stevep.savage@ntlworld